Internal control panel for marketing agencies. Visualize the info of all your clients in the same table. Identify budget and target deviations for all your clients without going into each client's report.
Create free account
Create custom fields
Includes conditional formatting
Information opened per client or per campaign
You don't need to go into all of your clients' reports to understand how they perform.
Configure target fields, extract data from your clients' advertising sources and create formulas to project deviations in your targets and budgets. More than 12 types of custom fields possible.
More than 7 data sources available along with custom fields
Identify which customers are not performing as desired in less than 30 seconds. Saving time in identifying the problem will allow your team to spend more time optimizing your customer strategy.
With conditional formatting to only focus on customers with lower than expected results.
Include comparisons against your clients' objectives and against another time period.
Frequently Asked Questions
How many control panels can I configure?
As many as you wish.
2. Can I see the open information by campaign instead of grouping it by client or by advertising accounts?
Yes, it is possible.
3. What types of custom fields can I create?
You can create text, numeric, formula, date, single or multiple assignment fields among others.
4. From which advertising platforms can I obtain information?
You can include real-time information from Google Ads, Meta Ads, GA4, Linkedin Ads, TikTok Ads, from CRMs like Hubspot and Close, and from CMSs like Tiendanube and Shopify.
Can I include filters in a table?
Yes, you can include filters, sort the information and hide the columns you do not want to display. All this display information can be saved and used whenever you want. You can save as many display configurations as you want.
6. In the COMPARE functionality, are all metrics compared against the same time period?
Yes, all metrics in the table compare against the same period.
7. What kind of filters can I include?
You can include numerical and text filters on any of the columns of the table. For example, only display the information of clients with investment greater than zero in Meta Ads or only the information of Performance campaigns.
8. Can I add more than one advertising account per customer?
Yes, it is possible.
9. Can I compare a metric against its same value in another time period?
Yes, you can compare against a fixed value or against a deviation from the same metric some time ago.
10. In which currency do I view the information?
You will be able to visualize the information in the currency you have configured in the advertising account.