Google Sheets

Download your account information directly to Google Sheets automatically.

Extracts and analyzes information from advertising platforms directly in Google Sheets.

Start a Free Trial

Information updated when you want it

With our Schedule functionality, you can choose when you want to have the information updated without lifting a finger.

Create tables with the metrics, dimensions and filters you need in seconds.

Interested in analyzing the CTR of two particular ad sets opened by gender and age?

Get information on all these advertising platforms

Visualize the information according to the dimension you want, including the filters you need.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What information can I send to Google Sheets automatically?

You can download all the information you have in the powertables within Master Metrics. They can include information from different advertising accounts.

2. Can I download the information by year, month or day, at what time can I download the information?

It can be configured to receive the information whenever you want. It can be every month, week or day. In each case you will choose the date, day and exact time when each table is updated.

3. Do I have to pay a differential to use this functionality?

No. This functionality is available in all plans.

4. Can I update all excel tables at the same time?

Yes, you can use the Update All function of our tool that updates all the tables in your excel at the same time.

5. Does my plan have limitations on the number of downloads of information?

No, there is no limit to the amount of information to download.

Do you want to optimize the management of your advertising accounts?